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041920: 2 = 51

The past two days saw me throw 51 additional pages onto the new novel, which I'd been neglecting for a few weeks. PROJECT TORPEDO had...

Research for Project Torpedo

Birds of Northern California. Common species in Del Norte Co. DN Co Site Audubon Report. Phases of the moon.

16Apr2020: "The Eclectic History"

I've finally sat and read a book I found recently in a second-hand bookstore, a book that immediately became the oldest book I own when...

12Apr2020: Oh No You Don't

For about a week now, my Duchess hasn't quite been herself. It started with what might have been a seizure, we're not sure, but whatever...

08Apr2020: Sign On, Sign Off

I'm filling in on the Country station for a while, doing some extra radio in addition to the news, and I'm enjoying doing a little music...

05Apr2020: Time

Our daughter has a new last name now, as time moves on. I've added some duties at work, as have so many others. So there's no real time...

26Mar2020: Via Satellite

The radio, it speaks to me from high above the Earth. It says "Enjoy your favorite version of this song from The Grateful Dead," and,...

Radio, Hold The Studio

Tuesday: Wednesday: Did working from home work? Yes. Was it particularly enjoyable? Hell no. I want my studio back. Still, you can do...

24Mar2020: Self-Imposed Exile

In 31 years of radio, I've never done what I'm going to start tomorrow. But now it will be entirely up to me whether or not I wear pants....

23Mar2020: Stay At Home Orders

The morning started with white. Overnight snow. By the end of the morning the governors of both of the states I cover in my news day told...

21Mar2020: Scattered

Today there had to be a road trip to fetch my microphone from storage. It wasn't in the house and in the event that I have to work from...


My thought for the day, before a pour another pint: Fans of The Grateful Dead are fond of saying "Not all who wander are lost." In recent...

18Mar2020: Quality Guy

The items in the above photo were handed to me by one Warren Kluck, on his way out of the radio station for the day, with the words...

17Mar2020: A Pox On All Our Houses

Starting to see people I know in other parts of the country who are quarantined, have been exposed to it, and so on. Italy is pretty much...

16Mar2020: Best Laid Plans

It's looking less and less likely that we will be able to go ahead with the plans for our daughter's wedding, thanks to COVID-19. Shit....

14Mar2020: Panic-demic

You can't find water, bread, toilet paper, cold medicine, fresh meat...but stores do have an overabundance of people who are freaking...

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