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  • Writer's pictureTommie

17Mar2020: A Pox On All Our Houses

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Starting to see people I know in other parts of the country who are quarantined, have been exposed to it, and so on.

Italy is pretty much a collection of empty streets. And what's reality there is likely to be reality here about the time my daughter is supposed to be married.

The actual form and shape of the next 30 days is causing me so much stress that my stomach has attacked me today. With great success. Like, conquered my stomach and planted a damn flag.

Oh. And the football player everyone loves but I hate, Tom Brady, is likely the next QB of my Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Hopfelly the Raiders won't slap me around, as well.

There were other developments today -- personal and professional -- but I'm not at liberty to get into them right now. Suffice it to say I'm worn down to a nub.

But I will sleep tonight, rise, and attack the wall of bullshit all over again tomorrow. So many people have it worse than I.

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