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  • Writer's pictureTommie

12Mar2020: F**k It. Have a Dilly Bar.

Coronavirus keeps expanding its stain everywhere, and they're starting to pretty much everything. Sports, schools, everything.

People are posting horror stories on Twitter about navigating the complicated phalanx of local healthcare, insurance, the CDC Help Line, and its vicious one seems prepared for any of this, because they aren't. Especially the people in charge, who are going to let us shit ourselves into oblivion so they could get the judges they wanted.

I assume it's the same on Facebook, but I gave up reading it for a while last night. My anxiety is bad enough.

I've also learned that fixing the issue with my car (the Cambers in the back) will set me back $600 that we sure as shit do not have.

So, fuck it. Having a Dilly Bar.

The two teams I love above all others are wisely trembling at the foot of the viral throne. But hey: Young Sheldon!

Fuck it. Having a Dilly Bar.

That's better.

Nifty XM Song of the Day: Warrant's "Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Rich". Tip of the hat, Mr. Lane. You are missed. Still one of my favorite interviews.

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