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  • Writer's pictureTommie

14Mar2020: Panic-demic

You can't find water, bread, toilet paper, cold medicine, fresh meat...but stores do have an overabundance of people who are freaking out. Some stores even have people fighting over six-packs of Charmin like they were gold.

People are completely losing it over the coronavirus, and admittedly no one has any clue just how bad things might be a week from now. Oh, and our government has fumbled every step of the response. Big shock.

My most pressing concern is a couple of weeks beyond that, when I'm supposed to walk my daughter down the aisle.

A very long week at work ended with me getting good and drunk last night for the first time in a long time. I don't even remember climbing the stairs to go to bed.

My Saturday has been filled with more of the same work, but just a few hours of it. And a quick trip to the store to make sure we had some extra water. Just one case. Don't want to add to the hoarding madness.

My wife brought a treat home for me after doing some shopping for the wedding...

Does it look like a nutty dollop of shit? Yes it does. But I assure you it's actually a delicious midwestern delicacy.

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